The Holistic Car

Author: Dr. Dinesh Chauhan 
Published by: 
Philosia Publication 

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About the BOOK

This book is about The Holistic car and its two passengers, the Right-brain and the Left-brain traveller. 


What happens when there is an imbalance between them? Who is driving? Who is the passenger of the car? How to balance the dynamics between these two passengers? How to keep this car without any hurdles for days, weeks, months and years on end, and maintain a perfect balance between the two travellers? Would   Natural and Guided Spontaneous methods and activities be of any help? All these questions are addressed in this book, The Holistic car. 


This book includes several features and benefits


  • Finding natural methods and activities that can bring balance between the two passengers.
  • Suggestions about guided methods that can be done, daily, weekly, monthly, in personal as well as professional space, for bringing balance between the two passengers.
  • A unique Designer diary that provides you with a safe space for writing down your scattered strange, rare, peculiar symptoms in your Alone blissful space. Guided Right-brain activities in different stages, situations, conscious and subconscious states, and various stages of illnesses enable you to get obtain a tailor made and holistic view of yourself when the right and the left side of your brain are in perfect balance.
  • During guided 2-3-5 days workshops in woods, on mountains, along the river, in the desert, with the concept of a Holistic car and two passengers, enables you to understand the imbalance between your right and left brain as you spend some time daily in the alone blissful space. The natural and guided walks, natural and guided activities, and the notes in your designer diary help us find a unique design, and individualized, tailor-made advice that is just for you. Such advice is like a mirror that reflects your true self.
  • When your true self is mirrored back to you, you can achieve balance in your personal and professional life.