Testimonial of a Case Guided with Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy

“There was a little girl who thought that everyone, including herself, was

Dr Dinesh is a globally known and influential homoeopath, Lecturer, Motivator.
His Pan World presence has made him the most desired and respected homoeopath in more than 30 International Countries.
An INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CLINIC SET UP has been a part of Swasthya Homoeopathic Healing since last 25 years...
The main highlighted unique feature of Swasthya International Clinic is the patient-centric tailor-made designer approach with one of its kind patient-centric interview technique (Know more on the page- thus prescribing a patient-centric tailor-made remedy.
Swasthya is the only Homoeopathic Clinic that complements the healing journey with a tailor-made designer diary, patient-centric counselling and patient-centric advice to health, relationships, professional and personal life based on patients’ unique design.
Overcoming all barriers of distance, language, remedy dispensing Swasthya has an edge for handling International online set-up due to its
• Customised paperless software based system (with comprehensive mails of before appointment, after appointments, invoice details, medicine details, next follow up details sent immediately post new case or follow up consultations etc),
• Global connection with International Pharmacies and Homeopaths for quick, efficient and trustful dispensing of remedies
• EXCLUSIVELY DEDICATED DAYS 3-4 DAYS A MONTH TO An International clinic where new international patients, retakes, failure cases that can be attended by referred homeopaths and follow ups are consulted.
• Convenience of going through the journey of case witnessing and holistic healing from your own desk/home/office/ your comfort place via well-established customer friendly platforms like Zoom, skype.
• Complementary Email exchanges in between Online Live follow-ups to stay connected and streamline your treatment plan
• Holistic healing approach even in Acute conditions and illnesses under constant vigilance and expertise of Dr Chauhan and Dr Incharge
• Possibility of LIVE SWASTHYA CLINIC in your country
Here are the few points which are necessary and must to follow for the smooth experience and effectiveness of the 1st online consultation.
1) This online session will be on zoom or skype.
(No Google meet, what’sapp video call, face time is possible since its a detailed consultation of approx 2 hrs which requires stable connectivity with good audio video both )
2) 1st consultation takes approximately 2hrs where we understand you as whole in all areas of your life since childhood till today along with your illness to get your unique holistic picture which is the fundamental base for a genuine classical homoeopath to prescribe.
3) For the session you need to connect with the Laptop only, and not with mobile or ipad, so that we can avoid in between calls and messages and you can continue your journey of explaining about yourself with an ease.
4) You need a private space for this session where you can share your heart out and be effortless and spontaneous in that space without any conscious interruptions.
5) Request to keep your internet speed and network good so that we can have a smooth session without technical disturbances. Being near the router and avoiding anybody else to use the internet for that moment if possible can be of additional help for the same.
6) TRANSLATOR: Can be provided if needed or you can suggest the same.
7) You will receive this mail prior to the first session – this mail also has detailed description of the concept of the whole interview, log in details, payment details, some articles to refer etc . Kindly go through it.
8) You can pay the Charges for the New case consultation prior to the session. HOW TO PAY: PAYPAL ID:
Kindly follow this rules as it helps us to understand you and your journey well and also helps us to treat you at a deeper level.
First of all If you don’t have skype video conferencing facility , please visit, download Skype and create an account. Our Skype id is swasthyaclinic? add us in your contacts list.
Further technical details you need are,
• 1 GB RAM.
• Minimum 2 mega pixel camera.
• Internet connection, preferably wire connection, with internet speed of 512 kbps?? or above, please avoid internet connections through iPhones or iPads.
• Good audio and mike system.
PN: It is very essential that the patient be alone during the Skype consultation, so that they can express themselves freely.
A Skype check will also be scheduled prior to your new case consultation once we receive your skype id to avoid any technical errors.
PRE REQUISITE: You will need:
- Headset with a microphone with quality earphones
- Computer with a stable Internet connection
- Zoom app downloaded over your system
1) When the time comes join a meeting (10 mins before it’s due time to start) by clicking on a Zoom link provided above.
2) Then click on the prompt ‘Join with computer audio
a) To inform us through e-mail whenever you make the payment and if possible scan the transaction receipt and attach it to the e-mail for our record.
b) You can approach our technical expert by mailing on for further guidance.
“He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.”