SWASTHYA means the Complete Health, Health to the Core, Health till the Vital center.
As a Homoeopath, our aim is not only to treat the physical illness alone but also to cure the whole- “Body – Mind” complex, cure “the Whole” so that patient can come to his center and can think, feel, perceive and sense from his healthy vital-center.
Disease Developement: The whole disease process begins at the center of human being, it disturbs the vital center which then spreads to the mind, body and finally settles in the form of physical illness what Modern medicine doctors call ‘Diagnosis’. We as a homoeopath aim to heal this disturbed vital center of human being which in turn treats the complete phenomena of disease at mind, body and beyond mind and body [disturbed center]. In this process, patient starts improving from diagnosis which is at the outer most circles and then this improvement progresses towards the inner circle of mind and body and finally moves towards the inner most circle from where the whole disturbance arises which is nothing but his center.
At this point, patient is free of disease to the core, he enjoys his life to the core, as he is SWASTHA now, he has regained his SWASTHYA.
At Swasthya Homoeopathic Clinic, we aim at bringing you close to your Healthy Vital being, so that you can enjoy your “SWASTHYA”. To achieve this aim, a Designer’s Approach is given to each and every patient both for their first consultation as well as their follow ups.
Ahomoeopathic interview in its true essence is a designer’s approach – a special and individual fit for every individual body. It is a must as not only each individual is a unique body but so is his “Diseased self”. And to understand this “Diseased self” one is required to apply an approach that is equally unique and individualistic. With this approach of case interview, there is no scope for pre-defined monotonous questions answer sessions between the physician and his patient. In contrast the case interview is very unique for each and every patient. The length, style, art, pace and course of case interview differ from patient to patient. Hence the name- “Designer’s approach”.
With this Designer’s approach, Case Interview becomes an insightful journey for the patient wherein with each step of case interview, patient journeys deep within himself, gets aware about his pattern, sensation, his delusions, fears, thought process, reactions etc all on which he somehow got amiss thanks to hustles and bustles of daily busy life. Such kind of Case interview is truly a rewarding experience for the patient as it not only helps diagnostically to find the perfect drug but also offers a healing touch in itself.
Besides such individualistic approach of case interview for each visiting patients, special attention is paid behind the interiors and technologies at Swasthya Homoeopathic Clinic.
Every inch of space at Swasthya Homoeopathic Clinic is designed keeping in mind what a patient needs and desires when s/ he is out on his venture for healthy life; the consulting chambers are designed such that vent and pour happens naturally when the patient seats for his case interview – a must for healing to begin!
Take you back to those days right?
But did you have a special car?
No I am not talking about a technically advanced car, what am I talking about then?
You will know soon, first let me introduce you to two types of travellers who have embarked on the Holistic journey.
So our two travelers are the left brain traveler, and the other is the right brain traveler, just like one of them is the thinking brain, the other is the feeling brain.
The first traveler, a very methodical thinker, well read, loves logic, science, a traveler who loves to know it all, plan things ahead, read reviews, have a fixed chalked out plan, very factual, let’s say just like a highly logical left brain dominant personality
But the other traveler is a happy go lucky person, most unplanned one, who loves to go where he feels at his free will, more intuitively attracted to something, depends on the feel of things rather than logistic, a very artistic kind of person, where logic doesn’t play a role, the day dreamer who could reach any place without at least having an idea about how to get there, he is mostly in his own world, this person is like a right brain dominant personality…
Let me elaborate a bit about this feeling brain and thinking brain, what are these exactly
Feeling Brain represents your emotions, impulses, intuition, and instincts, while the Thinking Brain represents your conscious thoughts, reasoning, calculating payment schedules on your credit card statement is objective and factual. The Feeling Brain is subjective and relative.
Each of your two brains has its strengths and weaknesses. The Left thinking brain is conscientious, accurate, and impartial. It is methodical and rational, but it is also slow. It requires a lot of effort and energy, and like a muscle, it must be built up over time and can become fatigued if overexerted. The Feeling Brain, however, arrives at its conclusions quickly and effortlessly. The problem is that it is often inaccurate and irrational. The Feeling Brain is also a bit of a drama queen and has a bad habit of overreacting.
Now coming back to our two travelers in this special car, who do you think should be at the driver’s seat and who should be sitting next to the driver and the navigator?
If only the left thinking guy is controlling the show, that is navigating and driving then what will happen? But what if the right feeling guy is taking all the controls, what would happen?
What if the right brain traveller is on the driver seat and navigating just listening to its gut feelings and intuitions, his feeling brain will screw the left logical part. He will suddenly stop in the middle of the road and want to explore some other part, take an impulsive turn and reach somewhere else; start partying in the middle of the road. Right brain becomes
irrational, meaning it cannot be reasoned with. And this brings us to even worse news; emotional problems can only have emotional solutions. It’s all up to the feeling brain and if you’ve seen how most people’s Feeling Brains drive, that’s pretty scary.
The car then will become something like a clown car, isn’t it? Driven by the haywire unidirectional flow…
Like a clown or a joker car, suppose this clown car is driven by the right brain dominated clown, then merely drive toward fun it would be all about drinking and partying and careless attitude.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.