You are currently viewing Homoeopathy for Bed-wetting (Nocturnal-enuresis)

Homoeopathy for Bed-wetting (Nocturnal-enuresis)

(The article is presented as a dialogue between Rinkoo (10 year old boy) who suffers
from Bed-wetting problem and his Mother, his aunt and a homoeopath. The story will
help you and your child to connect with the problem and help to find a solution for the
MOM: Rinkoo, it doesn’t suit you. I thought you were grown up but…
RINKOO: Per maa, I don’t know how it happens?
MOM: It’s a bad habit and what if others come to know about it?
RINKOO: I know, that’s the reason I don’t stay at anyone’s place for Night.
MOM: But for how long will it go on? We have to do something, I
Can’t imagine 10 yr old boy still pees in his bed.
RINKOO: Maa, please don’t tell anyone.
(Both, rinkoo and his mother are tense and nervous) (Enters rinkoos aunt )
AUNTY: Hey guys what’s wrong? Rinkoo did you do something?
(Rinkoo walks in his room without answering)
AUNTY: Why is he so upset?
(Rinkoos mom initially hesitates to speak but opens later)
MOM: How should I say this? But I want to help my son and I’m sure you can guide us.
AUNTY: Tell me in detail.
MOM: Please don’t tell anyone, but Rinkoo still pees in his bed and I don’t know how to solve this
problem? It’s since last 6 months, more than twice a week.
AUNTY: So what? It’s not a big thing or it is nothing to be ashamed of. Many children between 5 to
15yrs suffer from such problem. Nothing to worry about it. It’s curable. Infect
homoeopathy has good scope and have shown fine results in such cases. I know a
homoeopath and I am sure he can guide us in much better way.
(Next day Rinkoo with his mom and aunt visits the homoeopath. Rinkoo’s mom tells the doctor about
rinkoo’s problem)
DOCTOR: I understood your problem I can definitely help Rinkoo.
MOM: Doctor can u please tells us what is it? And why it happens?
DOCTOR: In common man’s words it is called BEDWETTING and medically it is known as NOCTURNAL
ENURESIS. Generally enuresis means repeated voiding of urine during day or at night into
bed or clothes. Most often it is involuntary. To qualify for a diagnosis of enuresis the
voiding of urine must occur at least twice per week for at least 3mons or else must cause
clinically significant distress or impairment in social, academic or other areas of
AUNTY: Normally at what age children have come to know that they have an urge for urination?
DOCTOR: The chronological age of the child at which continence i.e. urge is expected to be at least
5yrs, or for a child with developmental delays, a mental age of at least 5yrs. but not always
the urinary incontinence is due to physiological effects of substance (eg: diuretics) or
general medical condition. (E.g.: diabetes, spina -bifida, and a seizure disorder).
Actually enuresis may be primary or secondary. In primary enuresis there is delay in the
maturation of neurological control of sphincters and such children have usually never been
dry at night.
In secondary enuresis, the sphincter control is developed at normal age and the child
remains dry for several months after which the child again starts wetting the bed at night.
Enuresis may also represent the subconscious desire of child to gain care and attention of
his parents as in earlier period of infancy, or subconscious resentment against the parents.
Thus enuresis has a psychological basis.
MOM: So you mean to say Rinkoo suffers from nocturnal enuresis!
DOCTOR: Yes, it is the most common type of enuresis, which occurs only during nighttime sleep. The
enuretic event typically occurs during the first 1/3rd of the night. Occasionally the voiding
takes place during the rapid eye movement stage of sleep and the child may recall a dream
that involved the act of urinating.

Sometimes children with nocturnal enuresis usually sleep very deep night and it may be
difficult to arouse them. The signals from the distended bladder indicating the need to
empty the bladder indicating the need to empty the bladder do not reach the conscious
level of their mind during sleep and this may cause involuntary emptying of the bladder.
DOCTOR: Rinkoo, do u get dreams which scares you?
RINKOO: Yes, when I see some horror shows on T.V. I do get fearful dreams.

(Doctor to RINKOOS mom)
DOCTOR: I don’t say it is always because of dreams but there are some other problems also, like
stress or tension. In children it is very common to take tension of studies or to have fear of
teacher or parents.
MOM: But because of this Rinkoo doesn’t like going out or socializing.
DOCTOR: Exactly, enuresis affects child’s social activities or it also has adverse affect on his selfesteem, it also acts on the degree of social ostracism by peers and the anger, punishment
and rejection on the part of caregivers. Although it is seen most children with enuresis do
not have coexisting mental disorder, the prevalence of coexisting mental and
developmental disorder is higher than in general population. Sometimes urinary tract
infection is also responsible for enuresis.
MOM: How does homoeopathy helps in this type of problems?
DOCTOR: Like in any other diseases, Homoeopath tries to understand his problems, through
various pointers such as what he thinks about his illness, how it is bothering him,
what is the impact of his illness on him, his interaction with people around them,
how he copes up with the stresses, reaction to the stresses, fears, dreams,
fantasies, movies, cartoons which they like, toys they like, particular T.V. serial they
like, their drawings, fairy tales, their particular demands, their cravings and
aversions. In all these areas children express their inner self. Each child has his own
imaginary world in which he lives. By understanding the imaginary world of the
children (which is his inner world), it becomes very easy for the Homeopath to
understand the child and what is going on in his mind and the effect on his body
because of the stress.
One of the most important factors that help in understanding the child is the mental state
of the mother during the pregnancy, since it is often seen that the present state or
behavior of the child is similar to that of mother during pregnancy.
By understanding all of the above he gives a medicine, which has symptoms
exactly, matches with his personality. In homoeopathy we don’ and subsequently
treating through this understanding, it not only free the child of his disease and
enhances his immunity but it improves the attitude of child towards life, it
canalizes the energy of the child in a proper direction where he can explore his
potential and creativity to a maximum. Things or situation, which used to give
them stress reduces day by day and makes them able to cope up with their socalled stresses. With the homoeopathic treatment the child will experience more
energy, will have a clear mind, a sharp memory, and more balanced emotions.
Their relationship with the siblings and parents changes. They become less
dependent, stronger and more resilient.
AUNTY: Doctor how many cases of enuresis are generally seen?
DOCTOR: About, 15% of children between the ages 5 to 10 yrs are known enuretic. About 5% of
normal children may continue to wet the bed till the age of 15 yrs.
RINKOO: So doctor uncle now can I go for a stay at my cousin’s place?
DOCTOR: Definitely, you will be able to go very soon.
In this way Rinkoo’s problem was solved, but what about your child?
This article is specially designed for children who suffer from bed-wetting. It also requests the parents to
shred their inhibitions and come forward for treatment, as we are sure that homoeopathy will most
positively help you.

1) Change the bed sheet quietly next morning without making the child conscious about it.
2) The child should be refrained from taking beverages such as tea, milk, or cold drink after 7pm
in the evening.
3) Child should be habituated to pass urine before retiring to bed.
4) Parents should arouse their child fully again after 2 to 3 hrs of sleeps and persuades him to
walk unaided to the toilet to empty his bladder.
5) The bladder should be trained to retain urine for longer time. Making the child to drink large
quantity of water during daytime may do this.
6) Try to be friendlier with your child and him to solve his problems.
The parents are advised not to nag, criticize or reprimand the child for wetting the bed at night.
[Our special thanks to Dr.Sagar for penning down our ideas colored with his creativity in the form of this
article for us.]

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