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Since the time I have become a Homoeopath I have been gifted with many original ideas and concepts due to my unfettering passion towards this beautiful science.

Penning all those concepts and experiences down i have come a long way with 6 books and many more articles published all over.

The more I came closer to a deeper understanding of holistic health and its journey the more understood about the depth of an Illness in our life journey.

That’s when it struck me to write on the most essential concept of ‘The gift of an Illness’

With all kinds of commitments on my way from patients to teachings to meetings finally on 26th of august 2018 I started writing a book called ‘The gift of an illness’ and it started with this poetic lines,

‘Do not get lost in your disease,

Know that one-day

Your disease will become your cure (Remedy)

One day…..’

Unaware of the sudden doom of severe illness approaching me the next very da

On 27th August I faced an emergency condition and I had landed in an ICCU for the coming few days only to recover gradually out.

I had no clue why it happened, how it happened and to be true what happened…

Everything was sudden, clueless and gave me no time to make ideas or thoughts or react on it.

I took 6 months break to really understand why I landed there and to come back to myself at all levels.

I decided to go for alone walks, look at the sea, click moments and things which touch my heart, go for sunsets, watch the sand patterns at the beach to just be in the moment and be present with an open mind.

As I was doing that I started reflecting back my whole life and realized my philosophy was always to get rid of the illness, get rid of the situations, which are bothering you, get rid of the negative emotions in your life to come out.

Same philosophy has been taught to us either by a modern medicine doctor or a therapist or any spiritual person or even any holistic healer..

We have been told to get rid of the negative energy whether in the form of situations or illnesses.

It just occurred to me after experiencing all in person that isn’t vulnerability itself an opening to our strengths. only if a person is vulnerable he get a chance to be strong. Only when one is into illness does he seeks true health.

Only when one is at the bottom he will wish for the highest.

Like a spring effect we rebound ourselves in exactly opposite polarity of what we are in.

A person who is feeling inferior his whole life in order to cope up will do something where he becomes exactly the opposite.

For example my whole life I felt inferior this made me push myself extra ordinarily to come out of this feeling. To a level where I became a teacher, teaching in 32 countries, wrote 6 books and now writing this book on my concept of Right brain methods.

Who took me to all these places?? That feeling of being inferior

With the same concept a person who is in DIS-EASE also has a seed to be at EASE in the same intensity and transform self.

 We have heard many stories of people who have transformed after severe life threatening illnesses.

So rather than avoiding your illness understand your illness, be with your illness, know your illness and imbalance from every angle, at every level of your being and suddenly the same illness, the same negative situation, same your struggle will become a beautiful awareness and a lifelong gift.

When I look back on what had happened to me I could relate that my illness had a deep meaning for my life.

As I unconditionally stayed with my illness and saw every part of it as a third observer i could understand the journey of my imbalance towards DIS-EASE as it is and in a complete holistic way.

This whole realization paved out the pathway of my most unique book  ‘The gift of Illness’. Rather than writing intellectually about the concepts and trying to pen down the flow logically in the book…. my journey of illness that I went through in all its depth made the outcome of the book much deeper.

Prior my whole journey was very scientific in fact one of my books Title was, ‘Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process’,

But as I walked the path of illness and stayed with it in my alone space I came in touch with my right creative spontaneous brain through my silent walks, my spontaneous photography, witnessing the sand patterns etc.

It took me to the opposite polarity of my non-logical side, the right brain side which is the main source of Inspiration for the Book which you are a part of right now.

So my precious advice will be,

Stay with your illness/diseases/your situation bothering you/your struggles.

Rather than deleting them make friendship with them and develop an understanding relationship with them where you know them as a whole picture and thus travel towards awareness and real health

This is the Moment….Go back and recollect which right brain method will help you to know your illness at holistic level and in all its depth. Reflect- Stay- Write Repeat.

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