A message from Dr. Dinesh to the homeopaths located far and wide, of every school of thought, and persuasions:
In a two-dimensional world, there is cause and effect, there are questions and answers.
In my book, Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process, I introduced you to a third dimension: a character that is trying to balance the black and white logical with the intuitive flow, the artistic or the right-brain flow.
In the current book, “The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy”
The Right Brain approach in homoeopathy is a book which takes journey from my earlier work of Three steps of Integrative patient centric case witnessing, to create a further foundational step during the case witnessing process, where people can safely……Read more….
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The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy
Author: Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and Khumari
Published by: Philosia Publications
Dimension (In Inches): 210×140 mm
Type :Hard Bound.
Pages: 330
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The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy Book is Out!!! of Dr Dinesh Chauhan

Massimo Mangialavori (Italy)

Michal Yakir (Israel)

Ursula Gschwind Germany

Gabrielle and Joanna from Australia

Harry Van Der Zee Ex-Editor of Homoeopathic Links
Ariovaldo- Portuguese homoeopath and publisher of the Portugese version of 'The Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process'

Dr Vatsala


Dr Avinash gupta

Edgar and Sussane

The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan – Reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

Dr Dinesh researched 17,000 cases from his practice with particular attention to unsuccessful cases, he explored everything he could about the brain, and its functions, and he came up with a way of understanding patients when we get stuck in the case taking process and have no clue how to proceed further for finding a simillimum.He found a path for getting un-stuck. Jeremy Sherr declares this to be an advanced level book of Dr. Dinesh’s spectacular right brain methodologies..…….read more

Dr. Dinesh Chauhan is Interviewed by Vatsala Sperling

Dr. Dinesh Chauhan is Interviewed by Dr Kavitha Kuknoor
Find Dr Kavitha’s Interview and Review for the Book here
Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RS Hom (NA), C.HP, BHMS Nationally Board Certified Classical Homeopath President & CEO – Kavitha Holistic Approach, LLC Founder & Director – KHA Homeopathy Study Group Pro Bono

About the BOOK
The Right Brain approach in homeopathy is a book born from years of thinking, deep personal experience, innovative experiments, and a lightning bolt of inspiration that guided Dr. Dinesh Chauhan to create a human-centric atmosphere during case witnessing process where people can safely let go of their left brain and heartily embrace their right brain expressions that are rooted in their non-logical, spontaneous, subconscious true and innermost core.
In the day-to-day practice, the right brain approach to homeopathy has enabled Dr. Chauhan to create a brilliant twist in the scientifically intuitive case witnessing process and his numerous patients are the direct beneficiaries of such an evolution in his approach to case-witnessing and, as it turns out, the right-brain approach has become a truly integrative holistic method for understanding the core patterns of the patients at the deepest level.
Using the right brain approach in homeopathy, Dr Dinesh has been able to solve cases that were governed predominantly by the left-brain aspects, in people belonging to certain professions, for example, homeopaths, psychologists, scientists, politicians and businessmen etc. This innovative approach has changed the way we can perceive ourselves, our patients, and Life itself.
This book is not just for homeopathy students and practitioners, but also for the patients. On reading this book, it becomes clear that by enabling our right brain aspects to express themselves, we are enabling ourselves to heal better, faster, deeper and heal fully.
Though Dinesh and I have only met a few times, we have become good friends through common purpose and love of homoeopathy.
The concept of right and left brain in relation to homoeopathy is one that has spread in our profession’s consciousness over the last years. These represent two types of thinking: precise data versus free associative thinking, linear versus circular, informative versus conceptual, hard work versus institutive leaps. Logic versus Magic. Sense versus Non-sense. Two approaches to solving cases. Combining this two-sided approach involves both sides of our being-brain and is called synthesis. The techniques we use for finding an appropriate remedy for our patient must reflect this goal. READ MORE …….
There is an interesting observation that children who do not learn to crawl (utilizing left and right sides of their bodies and limbs) but leap into walking (thus by-passing this developmental step) are more apt to be awkward at coordination and the mental equivalent of problem solving
– where left and right working together deliver best results. It is clearly vital to connect the two. Anima and animus working together are both equally necessary for psychological health. We who matured in animus dominated Western style academia, come to the anima later, but we can catch up. Better late than never! Dinesh keeps moving forward in his development and has a knack of taking us with him. He does this with much humor, reminding us that we can do as he does, developing skills we did not know we had, whereby to intuit information that may add depth to case synthesis, as well as explore and reveal the patient’s core state.
We, the modern people, are highly wired and weird simultaneously. Between the right-brain based creative ancestry and the left-brain dominated ‘scientific’ age when we live in our own electronic bubble, the divide is very great indeed. Dr. Dinesh Chauhan points out, based on his unique personal and clinical experience, that before it is too late, a balance must be struck between the left- and the right-brain aspects of our lives. But how? READ MORE…..