Advice given to a laproscopic surgeon!

THE FOLLOWING BULLET POINTS WILL BE COVERED. 1. How ‘’tailor-made advice’’ is given in a unique way- in a language which they understand after understanding the ‘’Tailor-Made design’’ of an individual at Swasthya? 2. How patient-centric advice is given keeping their profession in the centre? Thus in the Above video after a tailor-made Homoeopathic interview according to the patient’s tailor-made design an advice is given on how in her professional life of being a Laparoscopic surgeon she can use this unique individualistic design to help her patient and profession! And when you glance at your grand design and not the part, your advice will also come from the holistic perspective!

Dr Chauhan explains through an example that our life is like a pendulum. How equal and opposite movement of the pendulum is health and inappropriate movement of the pendulum is diseased disturbed energy How through this pendulum example helps to balance our day-to-day Personal, Professional, Spiritual alone space by balancing two sides of us by, @Balancing Mental and Physical Activity @Balancing Intellect and Emotional Activity @Balancing Personal and Professional Activity @Balancing Common and Artistic Activity We hope you enjoy this Video and that it helps u to balance two sides of yourself at the day to day level! We look forward to your feedback here,… For more such conceptual videos click on…

A Homoeopathic Interview Concept!

An interesting conversation strikes in between a curious patient and Dr Dinesh post the Homoeopathic interview.
In this video Dr Dinesh explains the Fundamental Concept, Scientific Steps and Benefits of a homeopathic case interview- The biggest being surfacing your tailor-made (designer) holistic pattern/state of your being.

Giving back the Holistic pattern

In this video, a detailed conceptual journey of the case witnessing steps is explained to the patient during the case taking session. Along with the whole illustrative case the cherry on the cake is GIVING BACK THE WHOLE step by dr Dinesh. 


A conceptual video of Child centric case witnessing process @ Swasthya

This video is about
1.What we do in homoeopathic interview with children?
2. How we bring out the unique design of the child ?
3. Child centric advice and suggestion

Case of a Brain Tumor with Metastasis in a Non verbal child

This video highlights the importance of the Integrative and inclusive approach of Allopathy and homoeopathy both together at required stages of such deep incurable illnesses like Cancer.

The detailed Concept and the boon of Homoeopathic Management in a child with ADHD

Here in this video a detailed concept of how we can understand ADHD from a different perspective, to deal with it in a much deeper and transformative way is explained.

A Teenager with Emotional Disturbances!!

This video is about
1. testimony of a girl with emotional disturbance

2. patient centric advice given once they start improving so they remain on the healthy path

3. Concept of disease explained with the help of an elephant example, interesting right?

Case of Autism and the journey of improvement through parents words and patient himself !!

Complete narrative of parents and child during the process of improvement and after improvement! The video shares how the Homeopathic Interview was done in this Autistic Child and what difference it made to him with the Homoeopathic designer Remedy. The whole process of follow-ups over every 3months and how the child comes back to his completely normal state and goes to normal school!

a case of squint treated with homeopathy.

how tailor made designer homeopathic approach, with tailor made designer remedy, guided with tailor made child centric diary and advises bought changes at squint level ( pathology) & bed wetting issue, also changes were experienced in fears, nightmares & overall personality of child.

Homoeopathic Approach in Cerebral Palsy Case

Case of Child-Centric Designer Approach of Case Taking and Management. A unique method of case taking of 5 steps in Non-verbal Cases to get a spontaneous Natural central pattern of the child. It shows how Homoeopathic Healing is possible even with Non-verbal cases with systematic case-taking techniques to explore the whole Pattern and thus matching the designer remedy for that particular Child.

Case of ADHD with Otitis Media and Hearing loss

Child centric Homoeopathic Interviews in ADHD children to help them to express effortlessly their unique spontaneous characteristics thus helping to prescribe a designer remedy! A long-term follow-up to assess the positive development in this child with ADHD and otitis media with hearing loss complaints and how changes happened at all levels to bring in the transformation!



Watch this video for boy with all tale a tail for autism , diagnosed by 2 autistic pediatric experts , how with tailor made child centric approach at SWASTHYA helped him gradually to develop eye contact , speech , appropriate emotions, needs, within 13 months child sate at a consulting room all by himself and expressed common as well as difficult questions with ease. When it came to send him school we could sent him to normal schools where 3 school consolers checked him before giving admission and he got the admission. Now 1 yrs down the line he is the teenager living perfectly normal life perusing perfectly normal education with his interest and hobbies along with it .

British boy with ADHD syndrome and long term shift with designer approach, medicine and advices

Intense , hectic restless energy converted into constructive activity, where his concentration in stud the way he connect with people , focus in personal professional place shifted.
How his hectic, restless, and intense energy got channelized from destructive to constructive energy. perusing higher education with clear future goal

The Concept of Homeopathic case taking @ Swasthya in Non verbal cases like Cerebral Palsy

This video highlights the Child centric designer approach of case taking and management in Non verbal cases (Cases in pre verbal age [0-3 years and in pathological non verbal cases like – Cerebal palsy, Autism, Aspergers syndrome etc

Case of Autism and the journey of improvement through parents words and patient himself !!

Complete narrative of parents and child during the process of improvement and after improvement! The video shares how the Homeopathic Interview was done in this Autistic Child and what difference it made to him with the Homoeopathic designer Remedy. The whole process of follow-ups over every 3months and how the child comes back to his completely normal state and goes to normal school!

An ADHD child with Mild Autism and No Speech @swasthya!

The above video illustrates a case of ADHD and a nonverbal Autistic child ,How we did homoeopathic interview with such child and what difference it made with Tailor- made Child centric Homoeopathic Interview! And the concept of Child centric diary and advises!

Case of Acute Chorea in Specially Abled Child

A Patient Centric Homoeopathic Approach in Neurological Cases. How In Such acute cases we explore the changes since the acute illness at all levels- physical , mental, emotions, imaginations, dreams , fears etc and based on these a designer acute centric remedy is selected thus giving changes at all levels.

Homoeopathic Approach in Cerebral Palsy Case

Case of Child-Centric Designer Approach of Case Taking and Management. A unique method of case taking of 5 steps in Non-verbal Cases to get a spontaneous Natural central pattern of the child. It shows how Homoeopathic Healing is possible even with Non-verbal cases with systematic case-taking techniques to explore the whole Pattern and thus matching the designer remedy for that particular Child.

Case of ADHD with Otitis Media and Hearing loss

Child centric Homoeopathic Interviews in ADHD children to help them to express effortlessly their unique spontaneous characteristics thus helping to prescribe a designer remedy! A long-term follow-up to assess the positive development in this child with ADHD and otitis media with hearing loss complaints and how changes happened at all levels to bring in the transformation!



A case of Multiple Sclerosis treated with Homoeopathy!

Various interesting aspects like 1) What changes happened with a homoeopathic remedy in deep pathological cases like Multiple sclerosis 2) How and when to stop treatment in such cases? 3) How disease can become your gift? 

A treated Case of SLE WITH LUPUS NEPHRITIS and artistic ways of exploring illness during Interview

Case taking approach at Swasthya is PATIENT CENTRIC…thus making it a flexible inclusive approach for patients of all types, ages, pathologies and barriers. 


A case of 8year old girl child with NEUROCYSTICERCOSIS-(A neurological disease that occurs when a particular type of parasite tapeworm invades the central nervous system.) with the symptoms of fainting and falling in school and numbness of left leg and occasionally not able to move her legs and hand at all. With Child Centric approach, with Tailor made child centric remedy, gradually her symptoms of falling, fainting, weakness, heaviness of leg improved, and on investigation of MRI gradually the cyst become inactive, decreased and calcified.

A Case of Compression Fracture (Lumbar)

The Patient was diagnosed with Acute Vertebral Compression Fracture at Lumbar region as was advised immediate operation otherwise will be paralysed waist down. Since he is a rheumatic patient and one multiple medication he preferred and trusted homoeopathic Medicines during such crucial Acutes and he recovered Magically! 

A case of Schizophrenia in a Young Boy!

A Tailor Made Homoeopathic Approach for a Young boy with Mental Disorder!

Case of ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia)- a Bleeding disorder

This is a case of ITP with repeated Hospitalisations and Transfusions. ITP is a bleeding disorder where blood doesn’t clot due to low number of blood cell fragments called platelets. This case throws light on role of Tailor made Homoeopathic Medicines in Autoimmune disorders!

Case of Lichen Planus on Tongue

A case of a Patient with Stubborn chronic skin ailment of Lichen Planus after radiotherapy. It highlights the Homoeopathic Approach to After effect of Radiation and how a tailor-made remedy can even bring changes in such stubborn ailments and eradicate the post-radiotherapy effects!

Case of Prostatic Cancer with Metastasis in Brain

A Geriatric Case of Prostate Cancer with Metastasis in Bone! With symptoms of Urine Incontinence and urine not coming in one flow.

Surgeons advised Surgery for the same. Bone scan showed metastasis in the region of the sternum and lumbar vertebrae

Can homoeopathy help in cancer cases?

What kind of changes one can expect?

How homoeopathy can Complement the allopathic Approach in life-threatening diseases?

Case of HTN with Stroke and Right-Sided Paralysis

Homoeopathic Approach in Deep Pathological Cases.. The shift in pathological symptoms happened within 2 months leading to increase in patients faith along with holistic recovery at all levels


Testimonial of a Case Guided with Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy

A case to demonstrate the concept of Right Brain Approach in Homoeopathy Use of unique designer diary after case taking, during follow up And unique right brain guided method to keep them healthy after the treatment.

A heartfelt Healing experience @Swasthya

One of the patient who wanted fast and quick relief but none of the meds helped , thus settled finally for homoeopathy and saw marvellous results at mental as well as physical level; her belief and idea about homeopathy changed.

Case of Autism and the journey of improvement through parents words and patient himself !!

Complete narrative of parents and child during the process of improvement and after improvement!

A Teenager with Emotional Disturbances!!

1. testimony of a girl with emotional disturbance 2. patient centric advice given once they start improving so they remain on the healthy path 3. Concept of disease explained with the help of an elephant example, interesting right?

'Coming Back To My Creative Old Self'
I am almost 90% BETTER now. From being on heavy antacids maybe 3-4 a day and having severe anxiety attacks........
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The Holistic Healing in Skin complaints





With patient centric tailor-made homeopathic approach in understanding patient, giving tailor-made remedy and advices ,A man with enlarged prostate ( 43.6

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